Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing! Great thing about being an American- we're free. I know what many are saying- we're not REALLY free, man. OK- so NOTHING in life is free. There will always be some kind of cost involved. Lately, I feel the pain of paying a lot of my hard earned money to support MY country in efforts I don't necessarily believe in. Tough spot. But I love the USA- no place I'd rather be. Uncle Sam can have my tax dollars and do whatever they want with it, fine. But how about some relief?! Here's a brief list of things I'd like to change and I'm allowed to make it because I'm a tax paying American citizen dammit! oh yeah- arizona mobile homes
1. Bring the men & women of the Armed Forces home from Iraq!
2. Next time a country (or terrorist group) oversteps, give 'em SHOCK & AWE FOR REAL!
(We've been involved in a war against Iraq for 5 years when it should've only taken 7 minutes)
3. mobile homes (three is the magic number!)
4. Get some cars on the road that run on something other than gasoline!
5. more mobile homes for everyone!
6. Turn our attention inward for a while. Lets solve some of OUR problems- economy, health care, immigration, and so on. I'm not saying ignore foreign policy- thats hugely important. I'm saying- LOOK at whats ailing us here in our own yard and do something to heal it.
Sorry folks, I've been on a political rant lately. Won't happen again, except on my other blog... : )
Black Hawk Homes!
This bird got away from me just as I was about to snap a picture of him perched on top of our main sign outside our store. I settled for this shot of him on our neighbor's roof...

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